Trending Adaptogenic Ingredients Today & How to Choose the Right Product

Trending Adaptogenic Ingredients Today & How to Choose the Right Product

April 29, 2020

When shopping in the online beauty isles, the array of products and ingredients can sometimes become overwhelming. Generally, keeping the personal care regimen simple and targeted for you and your lifestyle is an ideal focus. You may have seen the ingredient term "adaptogen" move it's way into the beauty pages. Skin balancing and energizing, you will find that skin care gems with adaptogens can help brighten and detoxify dull skin with the right product that works for you and your needs. Old school medicine in new wave innovations for the skin will peak the beauty geek in all of us.

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The Future of Clean Beauty

The Future of Clean Beauty

April 28, 2020

The natural and green living movement must make a necessary shift to prioritize safety, sustainability and efficacy - not just all-natural claims.

How clean beauty serves us now can be measured in future terms.  Clean beauty should make us feel good about using it now and how it affects our environment in the future. The goal of minimal ingredients used in the making of products is achieved with a blend of natural and synthetic ingredients that use less resources and have less enviro-impact when making them. This is now a platinum standard in the cosmetic industry.

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Let's Consider Our Microbiome - Message from the Founder

Let's Consider Our Microbiome - Message from the Founder

March 18, 2020

Its a good time to talk about our body's Microbiomes and our ability to fight bacteria with our own biological defense system. The skin is also in interface of thousands of good and bad bacteria (only about a hundred) that act as defence mechanisms and have antimicrobial properties. How about that - sit back and fight diease with your skin. We do it everyday!

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Adaptogens - New Wave Comeback

Adaptogens - New Wave Comeback

June 05, 2019

Skin products with adaptogens take us to a new level of skin stress control available for all ages and skin types. Sensitive, prematurely aging and acne prone skin can benefit from ingredients that have adaptogenic effects such as some common types such as aloe vera, rhodiola, and korean ginseng.


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How are Cosmetics Regulated - By Advanced Scientists & Experts

How are Cosmetics Regulated - By Advanced Scientists & Experts

April 18, 2019

By allowing the deconstruction of cosmetic ingredients to be scrutinized by the public in social media or otherwise, found it is not in the best interest of the public. 

The scrutiny of ingredients that are safe for human consumption are regulated by several global governances, hundreds of governmental, university faculties and consortiums made up of experts who have demonstrated history of higher education and experience. 

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Canadian Beauty's Cannabis in Cosmetics - Trend On the Rise

Canadian Beauty's Cannabis in Cosmetics - Trend On the Rise

April 17, 2019

2019 - the year of Cannabis, MC2Industries and Melani Chong are seeing more research studies, behavioural and psychographic findings, formulation strategies, product development insights from scientific leaders.
"Right now CBD is a star - in a galaxy - in yet a universe of possibility."- Cosmetic Consultant, Melani Chong

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